22 January 2021
10:00-12:00 | Annual General Meeting |
10:00-10:05 | Introductions & Welcome remarks |
10:05-10:15 | MENA-ISN: The Journey & current developments, registration process and legal identity Salah Al-Awaidy |
10:15-10:25 | Report of the Chairperson- Governance, Committees/Task forces, events Salah Al-Awaidy |
Chair: Suleiman Abusrewil | |
10:25-10:40 | Legal obligations: Approval of the bylaws, approval of new members, election for open office Mine Durusu Tanriover |
10:40-10:50 | Report of the Secretary Mine Durusu Tanriover |
Chair: Marta Nunes | |
10:50-10:55 | Report of the Treasurer- Annual financial statements Marta Nunes, Salim Parker |
10:55-11:05 | Partners and Funding Salah Al-Awaidy |
11:05-11:10 | Report of the Relationships with the Industry Task Force Ossama Raslan |
Chair: Fatima Al Slail | |
11:10-11:15 | Report of the Research Task Force Fatima Al- Slail |
11:15-11:20 | Report of the Scientific Events Task Force Hesham Tarraf |
Chair: Mine Durusu Tanriover | |
11:20-11:25 | Media: website, social media accounts and visibility Mine Durusu Tanriover, Delta Medical |
11:25-11:45 | Highlights of Global Health Priorities and how ME’NA-ISN can benefit from those agendas Alireza Mafi |
11:45-12:00 | Next Steps: 2021-2022 Biennial Work Plan and Calendar Salah Al-Awaidy- Mine Durusu Tanriover |